Creative Karan

I could bore you with facts, but here’s the truth: the digital world will always be the future of any media.
With so many platforms for users to experience content these days, it can become difficult to navigate the proper path to deliver your information to the market. Fortunately, Creative Karan is here to steer you in the right direction.
“Bridging the gap between the medium and the message.”
What’s in a name?
Serving as Creative Director at Sunset Grove Arts, I, Curran Kanagat, decided to build an outlet for businesses to gain access to the many benefits of working with a creative consultant. This also helped my goal of creating more projects to work with my many talented friends who create art in many forms of mediums.
After thinking of so many different names, it occurred to me that I should really keep it earnest and simple yet still holding a certain gravitas. Which is how Creative Karan came to light. Adopted from an orphanage in India, my given name was Karan. When I arrived in America my parents changed the spelling to Curran. With my initials being CK, I wanted a company logo that matched but I did not want my company to just be my name.
“My eyes lit up and my lips pursed into a clever grin as the words flashed in my mind: Creative Karan”
Providing a unique perspective, innate expertise, and access to a network of talented artistic visionaries, Curran Kanagat brings forth a breath of fresh air to any project. With experience in Branded Content, Content Marketing, Product Placement, and Native Advertising.

My focus is geared to make our relationship flourish.
Content Production
Marketing focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience.
Creative Rehab
For those creative workers who just can’t seem to find the right word, next brush stroke, ideal photo, or proper note. Even if you’re in a field that isn’t necessarily artistic but you’re in dire need of a change of pace. We use techniques to recharge your creative juices, we will work cooperatively to get over any mental blocks you are facing.
Talent Management
Offering artists the ability to focus solely on their art, while their day-to-day and long-term goals are met. Giving premier access to projects that will help build their portfolio as well as gain exposure.